Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

A set of Tables of Houses for Lat. 40° N., which is approximately the latitude of New York, in
which can be seen a comparison of these four systems, is to be found in the American Astrology
Ephemeris for the year 1941. The Tenth House is common to an four systems, and this is
theoretically correct. The discrepancies show in the intermediate cusps between the IC and MC.
The Ascendant is also the same for three of the four systems, but the Horizontal system has its
own Ascendants. Different Latitudes require different sets of tables. Published volumes
containing Tables of Houses for all Latitudes are available, most of them, however, confined to
the Placidus system, which is the one most generally used. The one by Hugh Rice is the most
recent and the most elaborate, with the cusps computed to several decimals.

Unless you have a birth moment that is correct to the minute, and beyond doubt, detailed
methods are futile and misleading, and one might well confine himself to whole degrees and
ignore the decimals. By means of these tables of houses computed for different latitudes, one is
able to ascertain what degrees of the zodiac appeared upon the Ascendant and the various House
cusps on any hour of any day, as calculated from the siderial time at noon of that day as
indicated in the ephemeris. Actually the tables may be said to divide distance by time, showing
how many degrees of the equator will pass the ASC or MC, as if the planet were there. It is to be
understood, of course, that this is a rule-of-thumb short-cut for average use when one is not too
certain of the reliability of his birth data, and is not to be used when seeking exactness.

T-cross. v. Cosmic Cross.

Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac. v. Signs.

Telepathy. Transmission of thoughts from one to another of two minds that presumably are in
attunement or affinity, without the aid of any orthodox means of communication through
ordinary channels of sensation. It is generally supposed that an accent on Neptune confers
sensitive receptivity to telepathic communications. This may occur at close range or over a long

Telescope. An optical instrument assisting the eye or camera in viewing or photographing
distant objects, magnifying the celestial bodies, and concentrating a larger beam of light to
render the image more distinct. Some ancient references suggest that it was known to the Greeks
and Romans. In the Pyramid is found evidence that at some period the Egyptians had a form of
reflecting telescope. Refracting telescopes were first made in Holland in 1608. Hearing about
them, Galileo made one for himself and in 1620 began his experiments. The earliest known
reflecting telescope was that perfected by James Gregory of Edinborough in 1663.

Temporal Houses. 2, 6, 10. v. Houses.

Terminal Houses, The. 4th, 8th, 12th Houses (q.v.), corresponding to the Signs of the Watery
Triplicity. So called because they govern the terminations of three occult or mysterious phases of
life: the 4th, the end of the physical man; the 8th, the liberation of the soul; and the 12th, of the
hopes to which the native secretly aspires.

Terms of the planets. The planetary Terms comprises a system of subrulerships of portions of a
Sign by different planets, whereby the nature of a planet posited in a Sign is altered to that of the
planet in whose term it happens to be posited. These subdivisions - applicable only to the
interpretation of a Horary Figure - are largely disregarded by the moderns, most of whom deem
them the fanciful invention of the Egyptians to account for effects now ascribed to the influences

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