Aquarius. The Waterbearer. A constellation mentioned by Aratus in the third century B.C. Ptolemy catalogued 47 stars
in the area; Tycho Brahe 41. There appear to be no records that appear to connect the name with any of the stars or
configurations within the area. The Encyclopaedia Britannica merely says that perhaps it was because the period when it
was tenanted by the Sun was the rainy season.
Pisces. The Fishes. Sometimes represented by the two fishes tied together by their tails. It is mentioned by Eudoxus in
the fourth century B.C., and Ptolemy catalogued 38 stars in the area. In Greek mythology Aphrodite and Eros, surprised
by Typhon on the banks of the Euphrates, sought safety in the water and were changed into two fishes; but this is said to
be an adaptation of an earlier Egyptian tale. The constellation contains no notably large stars.
Listed are all the constellations within 45° on each side of the equator. The month indicated is that in which the
constellation is on the meridian at approx. 9 P.M..
Andromeda............. Nov.
Antlia................ Apr.
Aquarius.............. Oct.
Aquila et Antinous.... Aug.
Aries................. Dec.
Auriga................ Feb.
Bootes................ Jun.
Caelum................ Jan.
Cancer................ Mar.
Canes Venatici........ May
Canis Major........... Feb.
Canis Minor........... Mar.
Capricornus........... Sep.
Centaurus............. May
Cetus................. Dec.
Columba............... Feb.
Coma Berenices........ May
Corona Australis...... Aug.
Corona Borealis....... Jul.
Corvus................ May
Crater................ Apr.
Cygnus................ Sep.
Delphinus............. Sep.