28°. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have practically the same declination as the Sun.
Decreasing or Increasing in Light. From the New to the Full Moon the Moon is increasing in
light, and from the Full to the next lunation it is decreasing in light. In a Figure measured from
the Sun position, if the Moon is less than 180° counterclockwise from the Sun it was waxing, or
increasing in light; if less than 180° clockwise from the Sun it was waning or decreasing in light.
Although generally applied to the Moon, it is also applicable to any planet when passing from an
opposition to a conjunction with the Sun. It usually occurs when approaching the Sun in the
order of the signs; but Mercury and Venus, after they have reached their greatest elongation East
or West and are retrograding toward the Sun, decrease in light against the order of the signs. It is
generally accepted as weakening the planet's influence.
Decumbiture. Literally, a "lying down." A horary figure erected for the moment when a person
is taken ill, wherefrom to judge as to the possible nature, prognosis and duration of the illness.
Deductive Type. Referring to a certain quality or habit of mind that characterizes those born
when the Sun was in a Mutable sign: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. v. Signs.
Deferent. In Ptolemaic astronomy, an imaginary orbit pursued by a celestial body, around which
another body moved in an epicycle (q.v.). A deferent was employed in conditions wherein the
natural motion of the body was not involved. The term reflects the fact that Ptolemy was
ignorant of the Earth's motion.
Degree. One 360th part of the circumference of a circle. The rough measure of an angle of
one degree is the apparent diameter of a dime held at arm's length from the eye. The apparent
diameter of the Sun and Moon is about 0.5°. The longest dimension of the bowl of the Big
Dipper is about 10°. A degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes of arc. The length
of a degree of latitude on the Earth's surface increases from 68.71 miles at the equator to
69.41 miles at 90°. The length of a degree of longitude on the Earth's surface varies from
69.65 miles at the Equator to 53.43 at 40°. Degrees are equally applicable to the Zodiac or the
Ecliptic. As a time unit it is applicable to the Equator thus:
Degrees of Arc......Hours and minutes of time
......360°...............24 h.
.......30° (1 Sign).......2 h.
.......15°................1 h.
........1° (60')..........4 m.