Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1


21°20' 35°51'N (2) Rasalhague, Alpha Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus -
Jupiter Mercury sextile Mars) Perverted and depraved tastes;
misfortunes through women.

22°....A military degree.

22°54' 14°0'S (3) Lesath, Gamma Scorpii. (Mercury Mars)
Associated with acids; danger, desperation; immorality.


24°39' 8°50'C (cl) Aculeus, 6m Scorpii. (conjunct Moon) If
conj. or opposition an afflicted luminary, or its afflicting
planet: impaired eyesight, perhaps blindness.


27°35' 11°22'S (cl) Acumen, 7m Scorpii. (conjunct Moon)
Companion to Aculeus, and of same nature and influence.


28°38' 13°41'N (3) Sinistra, Gamma Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus)
Slovenly, immoral.

29°....Imitation; acting.

29°32' 0°1'N (CNC) Spiculum, 8, 20, 21m Sagittarii. (Mars
Moon) Mentioned by Ptolemy in connection with blindness.

Degrees, Individual, Capricorn (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars

(Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.)


0°.....The Galactic Center. The most important point in
astrology. Cusp of the Twenty-Second Lunar Mansion. An
ambitious degree.


2°6' 2°21'N (4) Polis, Mu Sagittarii. (Jupiter Mars) Keen
perception, domination; ambition, success; horsemanship.

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