Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material

(Wang) #1

The heartwood from plantation-grown trees is light brown
to pinkish brown and is distinct from the paler cream-
colored sapwood. Growth rings are primarily wide and dis-
tinct. False rings may be common. The texture is moderately
even and fine, and the grain is not interlocked. Plantation-
grown radiata pine averages about 480 kg m–3 (30 lb ft–3) at
12% moisture content. Its strength is comparable with that
of red pine (P. resinosa), although location and growth rate
may cause considerable variation in strength properties. The
wood air- or kiln-dries rapidly with little degrade. The wood
machines easily, although the grain tends to tear around
large knots. Radiata pine nails and glues easily, and it takes
paint and finishes well. The sapwood is prone to attack by
stain fungi and vulnerable to boring insects. However,
plantation-grown stock is mostly sapwood, which treats
readily with preservatives. The heartwood is rated as dura-
ble above ground and is moderately resistant to preservative

Radiata pine can be used for the same purposes as other
pines grown in the United States. These uses include veneer,
plywood, pulp, fiberboard, construction, boxes, and mill-

General Technical Report FPL–GTR– 190
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