Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(avery) #1
hundir to sink hundimiento sinking
salvar to save salvamento rescue/salvaging
The suffixes -ador, -edorand -idor(corresponding to -ar, -erand -ir verbs)
are used to form nouns denoting persons who perform the action denoted
by the verb:

navegar to sail/navigate navegador mariner, (internet)
beber to drink bebedor drinker

seguir to follow seguidor follower/fan
Note: The feminine form of -doris often used for machines and household appli-
ances: secadora‘tumble dryer’, licuadora ‘liquidizer/blender’.
Another common process for deriving nouns from verbs consists in deleting
the -ar/-er/-irof the infinitive and adding -a, -o, or -e, but not according to
any definable rule:

cerrar to close cierre closing/closure
pagar to pay paga payment

volar to fly vuelo flight
The feminine form of a verb’s past participle (suffix: -adaor -ida) can often
be used to denote an action or the result of an action:
llegar to arrive llegada arrival

lavar to wash lavada wash
The suffix-adais applied to nouns to produce others denoting a blow or
other action with an instrument: puñal‘dagger’ > puñalada‘stabbing’, peine
‘comb’ > peinada‘combing’.
It also specifies the amount contained in an instrument: cuchara ‘spoon’ >
cucharada ‘spoonful’, or a period of time: tiempo‘time’ > temporada

The suffix -azois often used like -adato indicate a blow or action involving
an instrument: espalda ‘back’ > espaldazo‘pat on the back’, teléfono‘tele-
phone’ > telefonazo‘call/ring’.
It is also used with names to denote succinctly significant political events:
pinochetazo (Pinochet’s coup in Chile, 1973), fujimorazo(the autogolpe
by President Fujimori of Peru, 1992).


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