Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(avery) #1
botella bottle botellín small bottle of beer
tesis thesis tesina dissertation
The various forms of -ico, originally mainly Aragonese in usage, are now
not common in Spain except to indicate sarcasm or irony. In Central
America and Colombia, however, -icois more common as a standard
vaso glass vasico small glass
The suffixes -ete/-eta used with nouns are diminutive in effect, but on occa-
sions they may also have pejorative intent:
avión aeroplane avioneta light aeroplane
historia story historieta short story
libro book libreta notebook
camión lorry camioneta pick-up/van
The form -ejo is used to suggest smallness, sometimes with a hint of unim-
portance or scorn:
papel paper papelejo a scrap of paper
animal animal animalejo nasty little animal

Augmentative suffixes
Augmentatives are used to indicate large size, or the increased and exag-
gerated possession of a particular characteristic, e.g. not just grande‘big’,
but grandote ‘huge’. Moreover, in most instances there is an implication
that clumsiness, awkwardness and ungainliness derive from this.
In fact, some augmentatives always express pejorativeconnotations such
as ugliness, contempt and scorn. Occasionally, however, they change the
meaning of the original word without denoting large size.
The most commonly used augmentatives are -ón/-ona, -azo/-aza and-ote/
-ota. These denote large size, sometimes with a pejorative connotation.
When this suffix is attached to feminine nouns they often change gender
and take the masculine form. It can also be added to adjectives:
cuchara spoon cucharón ladle

pimientapepper pimentón paprika


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