Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(avery) #1
Definitions of terms relating mainly to one chapter are given at the head
of the relevant chapter, e.g. reflexive verbs, relative clauses. Terms in italics
below are defined in this glossary.

Abstract noun A noun that refers not to a person, place or thing
but to an abstract concept, such as justicia ‘justice’,
pobreza ‘poverty’.
Agreement Refers to (i) number: the correct choice of the
singular or plural form of a word, (ii) gender: the
correct choice of a masculine or feminine form of a
word, (iii) person: the correct choice of ending for
a verb’s subject, e.g. 1st person singular (yo) hablo.
Apposition Two nouns juxtaposed so that the second adds
further information about the first, i.e. is in
apposition: Lisboa, capital de Portugal‘Lisbon, the
capital of Portugal’.
Auxiliary verb A verb used in conjunction with a following non-
finite verbform such as a participle or infinitive:
haberto form compound tenses as in Han
terminado ‘They have finished’ (see 10.9), and estar
to form the progressive (or continuous) tenses, as
in Está corriendo‘She is running’ (see 10.10). For
modal auxiliaries such as deber, poderbefore
infinitives, see Chapter 16.
Clause Part of a sentence that contains its own finite verb.
A main clause can usually stand alone as an
independent sentence, whereas a subordinate clause
is dependent upon a main clause: Te lo diré(main
clause) después de que se marche(subordinate
clause) ‘I will tell you after he leaves’.


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