Fixed gender nouns
Some nouns have a fixed gender regardless of the biological gender of the
person they denote:
la persona person la víctima victim
la estrella (film) star la celebridad celebrity
el personaje character el genio genius
This is true also of many nouns designating wild animals. Where a distinc-
tion needs to be made it is done through the addition of macho‘male’ or
hembra‘female’, or by using the phrases el macho deor la hembra de:
el panda panda las garzas macho male herons
la víbora adder, viper el macho del tejón male badger
Gender and social change
During the final decades of the twentieth century, changing attitudes to the
roles of women in society have initiated what has become an ongoing
process of linguistic change. Consequently, it has become common prac-
tice to use feminine forms for job titles that hitherto existed only in the
masculine form:
abogado abogada lawyer
catedrático catedrática professor
ministro ministra minister
ingeniero ingeniera engineer
juez jueza judge
Masculine plural for mixed gender groups
The masculine plural form of a noun bearing biological gender is used in
reference to groups containing at least one male:
los niños the children los alumnos the students
los señores Mr and Mrs los esposos husband and wife^1111
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