The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Trouble in Paradise

Elon Musk married Justine Wilson in January 2000. The
life of Elon and Justine, or simply J as he often called
her, looked like something out of a dream. “The happiest
moments of my marriage took place in the earlier years, on
the Saturday and Sunday mornings when Elon and I went
to the bookstore, then took our purchases to a cafe and read
over coffee and just hung out,” Justine said.^133
They lived in a small apartment together with three
roommates and two dogs. The Musk family would later
include more dogs, and a chicken the family adopted when
a petting zoo left it behind in a park.
Justine’s sister thought Hobbes, the Yorkie, had a men-
tal problem. Together with other dogs, he turned manic and
yappy. But the loud barking stopped when Hobbes became
really sick and was admitted to the animal hospital. “I’m
very sad. I mean, I know you don’t like him very much,”
Justine told Elon. “Well, I certainly don’t want him to die
or anything,” Elon replied. “Poor Hobbes.”
The old debate champion Elon can convince most men
and women. Those who will interview Elon are often
warned, “Don’t bring any cash, because you’ll be offering
to give it to him twenty minutes into the interview.”^195 Elon
even convinced a friend that Hobbes was not a Yorkie, but
a South Seas Terrier. He argued their long coats protected
them against the chill of the ocean as they swam from

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