The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Iceberg, Right Ahead 217

first stage had separated from the second stage, but it didn’t
fall back to Earth. The first stage’s rocket engines continued
to push the first stage up against the second stage with the
result that the entire rocket failed.
After the third launch, SpaceX didn’t just lose the
rocket. They also lost two of NASA’s satellites and the
ashes of 208 people whose last wish was to be launched
into space. One of the 208 people was theStar Trekactor
James “Scotty” Doohan. “Technically, Scotty’s ashes did get
to space, they just didn’t stay there,” Elon said.59,60
“The mood in the building hung thick with despair,”
a SpaceXer said. Most employees had worked more than
80 hours a week to make sure the third launch was a
success.^404 To lighten the mood, Elon felt he needed to
inspire his company with a message. “We knew this was
going to be hard, it is after all rocket science,” he said. “The
most important message I’d like to send right now is that
SpaceX will not skip a beat in execution going forward.
There should be absolutely zero question that SpaceX will
prevail in reaching orbit and demonstrating reliable space
transport. For my part, I will never give up and I mean
never. Thanks for your hard work and now on to flight
four.”^60 What he wanted to do was to rally the employees
and investors without creating false hope. “You’ve got to
communicate, particularly within the company, the true
state of the company,” he said.^22
The outcome of the message was exactly what Elon
had hoped would happen. “I think most of us would have
followed him into the gates of hell carrying suntan oil after

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