The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Halfway to Anywhere 268

is a price reduction of about 50 to 66 percent. $30 million
was the price for a launch with the Pegasus rocket, and
$50 million for a launch with the Taurus rocket, but those
rockets carried a smaller payload compared with the Falcon

  1. It was estimated that the price of the Chinese rocket, the
    Shenzhou, is $50 million per launch.
    Only four entities had flown a spacecraft to the Inter-
    national Space Station: US, Russia, Japan, and the European
    Space Agency. SpaceX became the fifth when the Dragon
    docked with the space station in May 2012. “At this point,
    employees all over the company went bananas,” a SpaceXer
    When not launching cargo, SpaceX would like to sell
    trips around the Moon and to the International Space
    Station.^59 But SpaceX is not primarily a tourist vessel like
    the Virgin Galactic founded by Richard Branson. Virgin
    Galactic uses a design based on the same concept that won
    the Ansari X Prize: a carrier aircraft launches a smaller
    spacecraft from its belly. “I’ve nothing against tourism;
    Richard Branson is brilliant at creating a brand, but he’s
    not a technologist,” Elon said. “What he’s doing is fun-
    damentally about entertainment, and I think it’s cool, but
    it’s not likely to affect humanity’s future in a significant
    way. That’s what we’re trying to do. We want to put life
    on Mars.” Elon, however, bought a ticket on the Virgin
    Before astronauts are allowed to fly with the Dragon,
    NASA will subject the craft to an intensive review called
    NPR 8705.2B, short for Human-Rating Requirements for

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