The Engineer

(Grace) #1

A Burning Man 291

studied at the same university as Elon had studied at:
Queen’s University in Canada. He was also an ultimate
frisbee player. It’s a relative unknown sport similar to
rugby, but you are not allowed to run with the frisbee.^102
In 1998, and with their cousin Elon as an investor,
Lyndon and Russel founded the data-center software com-
pany Everdream.^51 Their customers included companies
like FedEx, UPS, and a number of airliners. Everdream was
the same company that helped Elon to save his empire
when his cousins sold it.
Elon expects the same results from his cousins and
treats them in the same way as he would treat everyone
else. Lyndon, who already drove a Tesla Roadster, wanted
to buy a Model S. He asked Elon if he could skip the waiting
list. Elon told Lyndon to visit the website and order one
like everyone else. Lyndon had to wait for Model S number

By 2004, Everdream was, after some troublesome years,
on the right track, so Lyndon teamed up with Peter and
they began to wonder what they would do next. The same
year, they attended Burning Man together with Elon.^102
Beginning on the last Monday in August and ending on
the first Monday in September, Burning Man is a weeklong
festival. The festival is not like one of those music festivals

  • it’s more of an experiment in community, art, radical self-
    expression, and radical self-reliance. “The great difference
    between us and the consumer marketplace, however, is
    that we have inverted the essential nature of the capitalist
    system,” the founder of the festival, Larry Harvey, said. “We

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