The Engineer

(Grace) #1

What Do I Do Now? 58

cheap furniture.
Only three of them lived in the larger house.^47 The third
person is unknown, but Elon and Ressi recalled they had
forever changed this person’s life. It’s unknown if it was
for better or worse.^349 At one point, Elon’s mother felt a
need to check on him to see if he had enough food to eat,
and she also made sure he wore a fresh pair of socks each
“We weren’t connected to the fraternity scene, and we
weren’t new students either,” Ressi said. “We had to meet
people, so we decided to have parties, but since we also
didn’t have money, we decided to make it a business.”
While Ressi transformed their house into a club, Elon took
care of the finances. Elon was the sober one who had to talk
to the police when they arrived for unknown reasons. To
take care of the guests, they hired bouncers, and to clean
up, they hired a cleaning crew.^60 Up to 500 guests could
attend these wild parties. The guests had to pay five dollars
each to drink as many beers as they wanted, but the profit
each night could still be as high as a thousand dollars.^47
While not hosting parties, Elon played first-person
shooter games on his computer. It’s unclear how much he
studied and how much he played games, but Elon explained
he earned a bachelor’s degree in physics and economics
with an unofficial minor in first-person shooter games.
Elon earned two degrees: a degree in finance from
the Wharton School and a degree in physics from the
University of Pennsylvania.^262 He already knew he wanted
to create something big, so he didn’t have any other choice

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