While discussing the process of Career Development Peggy Simonsen (1997) has
highlighted the role of different people in the processes, assigning them certain
responsibility. These include employees who are suppose to be responsible for managing
and developing their own careers, manager/ supervisors who are suppose to provide
support and opportunities for development, Senior Management who are suppose to
ensure the continuity of the process, Human Resource staff who are suppose to play
facilitating role through providing information and planning, mentors who should be a
source for boosting moral and guiding them through the reality tests. In addition to all the
above career advisory team which should provide guidance from organizational
perspective and continuity of the process is also required (Simonsen, 1997).
Jose Anthonio Ocampo in his public sector report for UN (Unlocking the Human
Potential for Public Sector Performance) has focused on four potential areas for
improving the performance and organizational learning in public sector which he had
listed as:
a. Improve Knowledge sharing and management
b. Promote mentoring programs for staff
c. Enhance the analytical capacity of Govt. and
d. Strengthen the career development system (2005, p. 99)
According to Simonsen if career development is considered as an important
component of employee development by 80% of the US senior managers(1997), then
why the development strategies of an organization do not integrate career development in
the whole business plan.
Career development model given by Simonsen relates the roles of different
individuals to the process of career development, according to it every body has to play
their role but the one assigned to senior management is very important. In that model
senior management is considered as the source of continuity through commitment,
patronage and allowing the creation of opportunities. (1997)
Cheryl in his paper highlighted recommendations given by Salvanski and Buckner
which included linking of new programme to the career development system, design
career development programs in terms of organizational culture, it should be taken as a