(Darren Dugan) #1

PMs and they nominate the persons for the trainings.....mostly useless persons who have
little role in the project to play”.
This also reflects the fact that the organization shows less concern for the wishes
of the senior management as compare to the conventional organization, where the
recorded comment says that selection is based on the decision of the seniors who tends to
use it as giving favor to the staff.
In the light of the above arguments the study question as to why the process of
career development should be integrated in to HRD program of the organization we see
that the responses received from category B organizations are not that satisfying and
logical as category A.
In category ‘B’ the selection criteria shows that these organization views HRD
only in the form of trainings to be carried out to enable the employee to handle his/her
work properly. In most of the cases they do not have proper set criteria because the future
objectives of the trainings are not known to them or have not been set at all. Another fact
that came up was that mostly senior staff were nominated to trainings which means that
the junior staff who has tentatively long period of affiliation with that organization will
not be able to improve their performance till its there turn according to the list of
seniority within that organization. This means that the quality of their performance will
remain to be low for quiet sometime affecting the overall performance of the
organization. This further supports that fact that promotions in these organizations are not
performance based but are linked with the length of service.
In contrast to this the category ‘A’ organizations’ responses revealed that these
organization are more rigorously pursuing the strategy of enhancement in performance
and this could be confirmed from the factors of selection criteria such as skill up
gradation, progressive performance, L&D Plan, recommendation by line manager etc.
This means that HRD program in these organizations are not treated as a one time event
and therefore, are not just associated with any short term objective but are part of a long
term development plan.
For such long term plan maintaining employee motivation level is not an easy
task and the organization has to created a shared interest so that the employee stay with
the organization for a longer period. Career Development can prove to be a source of

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