Interpretation and analysis
Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?
The validity of the responses listed in table# 19 is 70.7%. according to the table “a” that
represents the option “somewhat” with the scoring points range 1-3 out of 10 has
received 2.4% of the total responses, “b” representing “partially” with the points range of
4-6 out of 10 has received 7.3% responses and “c” representing “fully with the scoring
points range as 7-10 has received 19.5% responses. According to table # 19, majority of
the senior management is strongly in favor of extending formal support to the
individuals’ career development hence, conforming to the information given in table# 18
Table# 20
Incorporation of Career Development Clause In Service Contract
Do you support the inclusion of career development commitment in the service
y Percent
Valid 29 70.7
no 2 4.9
yes 10 24.4
Total 41 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?
The above table shows that the responses received for inclusion of career development
commitment in the service contract has a validity of 70.7%. According to the table 24.4%
has support the integration of such commitment by the organization to the process of
career development, whereas 4.9% has shown disagreement to the inclusion of any such