According to the above table 54.0% of the respondents selected “b” option representing
that their colleagues made use of the information they shared with them. This again
indicates that the communication was clear enough that they individuals were able to
make their colleagues understand about the importance of that information.
Table # 32-C
Staff Interest in Knowledge Sharing
How do your colleagues respond to your sharing of learning?
y Percent
Valid 45 71.4
c 18 28.6
Total 63 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?
In response to as how the colleagues responded to the information sharing 28.6% opted
for option “c”. This means that the colleagues showed interest in the information shared
and therefore asked for more guidance and support. This also shows the attitude of the
staff who works with information.
Table # 33-C
Staff Interest in Knowledge Sharing
How do your colleagues respond to your sharing of learning?
y Percent
Valid 60 95.2
d 3 4.8
Total 63 100.0