(Darren Dugan) #1

The validity of the responses received for career progression is 12.1%. 15.2% of the
responses indicate that these staff do not see their career progression their present
organization of work. 72.7% of the responses highlight that they expect that their career
will progress in their present organization of work. This means that majority expects that
they will be able to achieve career success in their present organization of work. To
certain extend it coincides with the fact where majority has shown their desire to stay
with their present organization.

Employee Focus on External Career Development Opportunity
If No, then please indicate where?
Table#17-D Table# 18-D
Other organization but the same field Other organization different field

Table # 19-D Table# 20-D
Employee Focus on External Career Development Opportunity
Self employment Any other

Interpretation and analysis

Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?

According to table # 16-D, 17-D, 18-D and 19-D we see that 19.7% responses indicate
that the respondents want to go to some other organization perusing the same field and

y Percent
Valid 53 80.3
a 13 19.7
Total 66 100.0

y Percent
Valid 62 93.9
B 4 6.1
Total 66 100.0

y Percent
Valid 61 92.4
C 5 7.6
Total 66 100.0

y Percent
Valid 63 95.5
D 3 4.5
Total 66 100.0
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