(Darren Dugan) #1

4.3.2. Part II – Employees Understanding and Expectations

The findings on employee understanding of their career development process and their
related expectations from their employers are as follows-
As reflected in the interpretation of the tables# 2-C, 3-C and 4-C of the sample
drawn from the learning organization, we see that the responses received thereof can be
verified through its consistency showing the reliability of the information and
highlighting the existence of the enabling environment. It is further added that the
information drawn from this analysis is that out of the total positive responses (41.3%) on
receiving trainings within their organization 38% has listed out the number of trainings
they have actually received and out of these36.5% has confirmed to the relevance of
these trainings to their jobs.
As compare to the learning organization, the sample collected from the
conventional organization shows large variation in the information listed in table# 2-D, 3-
D and 4-D. 10% of those individuals who had accepted that they had received trainings at
their organizations had failed to communicate what number of trainings they had received
further adding, 57.6% among 62.7% has agreed that the trainings they received were
inline with their professional field.
In this case low response of the learning organization to this question could also
be attributed to the newly joined staff as shown in the appendix II. From the above debate
we conclude that in both the categories what ever trainings the employees have received
so far is considered as relevant to their job.
According to table 5-C and 6-C of the learning organizations, majority (87.3%) of
the employees would like to stay with the organization and 57.1% of the employees are
clear about their decision that for how long they should stay with the organization. In
case of the conventional organization (table # 5-D and 6-D) again majority responded
that they will stay with their organization but less than 50% are clear about their decision.
In case of the response to the career progression we find that the interpretation of data in
table 13-C and 14-C of the learning organizations reveals that majority (76.2%) sees their
career progression within the same organization. And a small number of 16% is
expecting to look for opportunities outside. In contrast to this table# 16-D, 17-D, 18-D,

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