(Darren Dugan) #1



Different findings of this research study lead to certain conclusions regarding the
perceptions, attitude and opinion of the senior management about the process of career
development. The conclusions also include certain generalizations about the staff
understanding and expectation of the career development in the context of learning
organizations’ environment. The discussion in this part also includes the possibilities of
how this study may be utilized and further areas for exploration that may be taken up for
future studies.

5.1. Conclusions of the study

This part of the chapter discusses results of the study and their implications. The
discussion here is divided into two parts for the purpose of clarity. The first part will
draw conclusions from the part of analysis carried out on the data drawn from the senior
management of the organizations in order to understand the context. The second part will
draw conclusions based on the analysis carried out on the data received from the junior
and middle management.

5.1.1. Part I: Senior management attitude and role with respect to career


The results drawn from this study highlight the fact that no matter what the context is the
understanding of the senior management about the importance of staff capacity
development seems clear. This is also due to the reason that the senior management has a
full overview of the business targets as well as the processes to achieve those targets and
hence could judge which appropriate strategy would suit under what circumstances. The

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