(Darren Dugan) #1

the harmony during the implementation process we should do the planning at the
selection stage. When the organization decides to hire the individuals for a certain
position, it should keep in focus the over all vision and culture of the organization. This is
an important stage where a proper match of the individuals to the job and the
organization will reduce the process wastes to minimum. At this stage firstly, the
organization should try to find a match of vision, values and interests between the
organization and the individual. Secondly, it should try to relate education, experience
and skills of the individual to the job he/she is selected for. For this purpose the
management should list out all the explicit and implicit factors of these areas, preparing a
comprehensive checklist. This seems to be a tedious task initially, but the more it is
practiced, the more convenient and reliable it would become. This checklist will also be
source of reference for the other HR activities.
The second stage of the model recommended is that of induction. At this stage
when the selected individuals are being assigned that task for which they are hired, the
management should set some targets. At this stage while setting the work targets that
management should be able to communicate the organization’s vision and mission clearly
to the new staff members. The expectation with respect to work and behavior should be
clearly listed out. At this stage the manager should also identify the career goals of the
individual joining the organization should communicate the organizational support and
role in the process of his/ her career development. This is the stage where the manger will
have to establish linkage between the organization’s goals and the individual’s career
goals. The management should identify the activities that the organization will take up in
short term and in long term to support the career development process of individual.
These expectations from both the sides should be included in the service contract of the
individual so that the process of individual’s career development becomes as formalize as
the tasks of the job take up by the individual.
After setting out the work goals, career goals and the commitment to those goals
from both the sides the new staff is placed on his job position. Orientation of the new
staff should take place before he/she actually begin working on his/ her assignments. At
this stage as usually happens, the performance of the individual should be managed
against the set targets through monitoring the affectivity of the work patterns and the

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