Considerable amount of work has been done on Organizational Development from HR
perspective, as the OD process, for most of the part, is focused on attaining development
through its Human Resource. In this study, Learning Organization’s context has been
taken to study career development. Peter Senge (1990) is the founder of the concept of
Learning Organization. The concept of the learning organization is quite popular in the
studies carried out in the field of management. Senge’s model as given in his book, “The
Fifth Discipline” has been used as criterion in this study to identify organizations that
could provide the context of the Learning Organization. Kinggundu and Hafsi ((1983)
There is a time lag between industrial and developing countries in the
utilization of administrative sciences. While this may be advantageous to
developing countries because it minimize the possibility of utilizing
untested theories and faddish techniques, it may also deprive them of the
opportunity to see the most current knowledge.
In this context the exact replication of the model may not be possible to find in
Pakistan where this study has been carried out. It was therefore, assumed that if the
majority of the traits were visible in an organization, the organization may fall within this
The literature review in this chapter highlights the work done on those variables
and their interconnectedness as identified for the theoretical frame work of this study. It
is with this purpose that details of some of the main concepts of the learning
organizations have been highlighted so as to develop a clear understanding of the context
for the study.