confidence both to act and to perceive how such action relates to its
context. (1995 quoted in Wilson, 2005: 6)
According to Wilson (2005) learning and acquiring knowledge does not carry
much impact unless it is practically applied which actually enhances the value of such
knowledge. He had defined learning as a permanent change of knowledge, attitude and
behavior occurring as a result of formal education or training. In a research conducted by
Lau and Ngo it came forth that certain OD interventions adaptation are to greater extent
affected by the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the local culture (2001). This is
because the individuals are under the influence of their local culture which they carry
with them when they go to work.
2.6.1. Human Resource Development(HRD)..................
As mentioned earlier organizational learning is always based on the individuals through
which such learning takes place. In organizations, learning takes place in the form of
Human Resource Development process. According to Nadler and Nadler, HRD is the
“Organized learning experience in a definite time period to increase the possibility of
improving job performance growth.” (1990; Wilson, 2005, p.10). Discussing the
philosophy behind HRD Pathanayak says that “The HRD philosophy is that people
perform better when they feel trusted and see meaning in what they are doing. People
want to know the possibilities for their own growth and career opportunities.”(2006)
McLagan and Suhadu (1989 quoted in Wilson, 2005, p.10) established that “HRD
is an integrated use of training and development, career development and organization
development to improve individual and organizational effectiveness.”
2.6.2 HRD, Learning and Organizational Processes...........
Gautam and Batra (1995) while discussing the nature of the organizational process have
chosen some of the main processes including decision making, communication,