Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1
Academic Leadership: Fundamental Building Blocks


Evaluation: Student evaluation data and feedback from the coached individual are used to
evaluate how successful the new ideas have been, amendments are made and hopefully,
a successful outcome has been reached.
The Learning Plan encourages collaboration between coach and the coachee on matters
directly relevant to the individual’s performance.
Benefits of the Learning Plan for the coachee include:

  • The coachee is helped to recognise and clarify the roles of various stakeholders who
    affect their job performance.

  • Provides opportunities for the coachee to develop a sense of ownership over
    professional development.

  • Raises the quality of learning experiences by helping coachees clarify their own
    learning goals, reflect on their learning and to consider issues in assessment of their

  • Assists the coachee in developing a range of skills and build confidence in their own
    abilities and personal effectiveness.
    Benefits of the Learning Plan for the coach include:

  • Provides a window for participating in the development of the coachee.

  • Increases the specificity and effectiveness of the learning and developmental

  • Provides a vehicle for reassuring the coachee that support is available for their
    learning and performance development.

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