Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter 9 – Deliverer


9.1 Setting Goals

(click the activity index number to take you back to the activities index)

When using the Deliverer role, you will be focussing on actions that ensure that the
program runs smoothly. An important set of skills for effective use of the Deliverer role is
setting goals and objectives for yourself and others.


The objective of this activity is to develop your skills in
setting goals related to your role as Academic Coordinator.

Goals will need to be set for your Personal Action Plans and as part of projects
related to curriculum development. This activity is relevant to any goal setting activity –
whether it involves only you, a group such as your program team, and whether its focus
is on personal development or program development.
Why is goal setting so important? Research shows that good goal setting is more
likely to result in the achievement of set targets and contributes to quality outcomes.
Table 3 illustrates these points in more detail.

TABLE 3: Components of Goal Setting Theory

  • Specific challenging goals lead to better performance than vague ones.

  • Feedback on goal attainment enhances the process.

  • Goals should be prioritized if more than one.

  • Goal accomplishment and performance should be rewarded.

  • Goal setting can be an important part of performance management.

  • Individuals need to develop action plans.

  • Organizational policies should be congruent with goal accomplishment.

  • Climate must be supportive.

Clearly, goals that are challenging and supported by timely feedback are more likely
to lead to success. Goal achievement is also promoted by a good climate within the
school or department, where systems and policies that support achievement are in
place. Rewards are important as they keep people motivated and focused on tasks
related to achieving the goals. This is particularly the case if the goals are prioritised.
However, goals by themselves are insufficient. They must be supported by detailed
action plans which map out the processes for goal achievement.

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