Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter 9 – Deliverer



Recognising and being aware of your life stressors is the first part of developing an
appropriate stress management action plan. In your journal record the sources of stress
in your life. Remember to focus on both your personal and work life.

Reducing the Impact of Stress

There are many ways in which you can reduce the negative effects of stress in your life.
Time management is important and you should look back at this activity and think about
how you might use the strategies identified in that section to help you manage stress at
Some strategies that have proven effective in stress management are outlined
below. Each category is expanded in the text that follows, to provide you with more
background on each dimension of stress management.

Effective Strategies in Stress Management

  • personal value system

  • physical health – weight, diet and exercise

  • relaxation techniques – deep vs. temporary

  • personal support systems – social resiliency

  • interpersonal competence

  • work redesign (Karasek, Theorell, Schwartz, Schnall, Pieper, & Michela, 1988)

  • goal setting and small wins strategies

  • balancing life activities

  • psychological resiliency – mindfulness.

Personal value system
What is important to you in your life and work? Is your life balanced? Do you have clear
goals and plans set for your career and personal life? Doing some planning in these
areas and setting targets that are in line with your values and plans can reduce stress by
ensuring you stay focused on those activities and plans that support your values and life
direction. There are a range of tools and strategies you can pursue to implement these
plans (see Section 9.1 – Setting Goals).

Physical health – weight, diet and exercise
The importance of maintaining an appropriate weight, a good diet, and regular exercise
are critical for maintaining your ability to withstand stress. A physical check from your
GP is a good green light for moving forward with an exercise program. A personal
trainer can get you started at most exercise facilities if you want to formalise a program.
Otherwise, there are a range of activities you can pursue, from walking to swimming and
jogging. A nutritionist can be a good source of information about diet. Otherwise, most
chemists have information on proper diets you can follow.

Relaxation techniques – deep vs. temporary
Deep relaxation techniques have much prolonged and longer lasting impacts on stress
management. They take some time to develop in terms of competency. Some

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