Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter 10 – Broker


It is also important that you:

  • Keep your HOS and program team informed of your activities and any problems that
    arise that may affect them sooner or later. But don’t tell them everything – protect
    them from unimportant or unwanted matters.

  • Avoid secretive and hidden agendas. Remember the Johari window and the
    importance of the open frame. Do not keep your HOS or peers in the blind window
    and do not invest in the hidden or private window.

  • Be recognised for being dependable, consistent, and creative.

  • Listen carefully for multiple perspectives.

  • Give credit when it is due.

Other ways of building your personal power (Carlopio, Andrewartha, & Armstrong,
2001) include:

  • Expanding your area of expertise. For example, becoming highly skilled in areas
    related to curriculum innovation and review, e-learning and assessment. Building
    knowledge can enhance your power and influence.

  • Impression management. Goleman (2000) argued having high interpersonal and
    intrapersonal insight helps you to manage how others see you and their expectations
    of you. Impression management is also about agreeable behaviour and a neat and
    tidy appearance. If you are able to manage impressions about yourself and have
    high personal attraction, your arguments are more likely to be accepted by other co-
    workers and you will be seen as more trustworthy. This makes you more influential.

  • Loyalty and honesty. These results in unconditional positive regard and acceptance
    also build your personal attraction. Being able to sympathise and empathise when
    necessary and engage in the social exchanges necessary to sustain relationships
    are critical skills for building your personal attraction, influence and power.

  • Expending personal effort will also increase your influence especially if you work
    hard on those projects that support your line manager and peers. This in turn
    increases your knowledge and you are more likely to be consulted when key
    decisions are being made. At managerial levels, high effort is also seen as a sign of
    dedication and commitment. It is interpreted very positively by your line manager
    and peers if your efforts lead to the organisation reaching its goals.

  • You can also increase your influence by looking at where you position yourself in
    your role as Academic Coordinator (see Figure 11).

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