Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter 12 – General Readings


vicarious reinforcement. This type of reinforcement occurs by observing the experiences
of others and then modifying your own behaviour based upon the consequences you
have just observed. Self-administered reinforcement involves regulating one's own
behaviours according to standards. Peer coaching provides ample opportunities for
these three types of reinforcement to occur. For example, feedback from a peer, or
observing a peer, may help you recognize that certain consequences arise when one
implements a specific behaviour. These reinforcements, of course, contribute to the
learner’s personal learning framework by providing opportunities for identifying
knowledge gaps and deficiencies. The development of professional competence is
facilitated by the rich opportunities for the three types of reinforcement in a peer
coaching experience.
Given that the development of leadership and managerial competency is a complex
and multi-dimensional skill, it is impossible to know everything there is to know about this
complex phenomenon. Hence, the purpose of peer coaching, within the context of your
Personal Action Plan is to heighten your critical thinking skills and overall learning.

What to Look for in a Peer Coach

Coaching characteristics:

  • Is able to

    • inspire

    • provide immediate feedback on behaviour and performance

    • recognise improvements in performance.

  • Will set high standards and help others set clear goals, objectives and priorities

  • Is honest and has integrity

  • Is accessible and approachable

  • Is passionate about helping others to learn, grow, and perform

  • Shows empathy and respect.

Coaching techniques:

  • Asking open ended questions.
    This encourages the coachee to talk through his/her ideas.

  • Maintaining silence.
    Give participants time to think.

  • Actively listening.
    Use verbal reinforcement and non-verbal reinforcement (head nodding, open body
    posture, eye contact) to encourage the coachee to talk through his/her ideas.

  • Employing paraphrasing as an active listening technique to ensure you understand
    what is being shared. “So what you are saying is......”

  • Summarising the key aspects that have been discussed.

  • Initiating action.
    Agree on the next steps, offer additional ideas, set targets.

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