Academic Leadership

(Dana P.) #1

Chapter 12 – General Readings


The three steps to effective journal writing

Step 3

Self-Awareness to Self-Evaluation: Document the unique
outcomes of your learning experience. This higher order
reflection helps you to ground your new knowledge. What
did your critical appraisal and peer coaching discussion
lead to? What new knowledge do you have?

Step 2

Peer-Coach Discussion: discussion of the scope as well as the practical
and realistic aspects of your critical event or thoughts. Share questions
from your self-reflections and experiences. Encourage the expression of

concerns and integration of theoretical perspectives.

Step 1

Critical Appraisal: critical analysis of important learning events is the first step. Include
your descriptions and emotional reactions to your experiences and learning. Write for
your own personal growth, don’t write your appraisal for others.

Bringing It All Together: Personal Action Plans

Professional competence as an Academic Coordinator involves having the appropriate
knowledge, skills and attitudes. You may notice that you are deficient in one of these
domains; alternatively, you may want to enhance your competency further in one or all of
these three areas. It is at this point that it is appropriate to establish specific
development plans to further develop your competency.
The need to set a development plan often results from you, or your peer coach,
observing a deficiency in your competency base. It may also emanate from a desire to
improve performance in an area of weakness which you yourself have identified.
Regardless of where the need originates, the establishment of a development plan is
a process whereby you evaluate your own performance and identify what it is you need
to learn. This information is then used to structure and guide your learning experience
and becomes the major focus of your peer coaching sessions.
By developing skill in taking responsibility for your own personal learning outcomes,
you will be able to critically evaluate your own professional development. You will also
develop collaboration skills through the process of giving and receiving non-evaluative
feedback as part of the peer coaching experience.

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