(Amelia) #1


to the 0.8 power of the gas velocity and the heat transfer by radiation from the walls to
the thermocouple is proportional to the temperature difference.
When the gas is flowing at 5 m/s the thermocouple reads 323 K. When it is flowing
at 10 m/s it reads 313 K, and when it is flowing at 15.0 m/s it reads 309 K. Show that
the gas temperature is about 298 K and calculate the approximate wall temperature. What
temperature will the thermocouple indicate when the gas velocity is 20 m/s?


If the gas and thermocouple temperatures areTgandTkrespectively, then the rate of
heat transfer from the thermocouple to the gas:

Q 1 DKu^0.^8 
TgT (i)

whereKis a constant anduthe gas velocity.
Similarly, the rate of heat transfer from the walls to the thermocouple is:

Q 2 Dk^0 
TwT W (ii)

wherek^0 is a constant andTwis the wall temperature.

At equilibrium: Q 1 DQ 2 andu^0.^8 D
k^0 /k
TwT /
TTg (iii)

WhenuD5m/s, TD323 K and in (iii):

50.^8 D
k^0 /k
Tw 323 /
323 Tg D 3. 624

k^0 /k D 3. 624
323 Tg /
Tw 323 (iv)

WhenuD10 m/s,TD313 K and in (iii):

100.^8 D
k^0 /k
Tw 313 /
313 Tg D 6. 31

Substituting for
k^0 /k from (iv):

6. 31 D 3. 624
323 Tg
Tw 313 /[
Tw 323
313 Tg ](v)

WhenuD15 m/s,TD309 K and in (iii):

150.^8 D
k^0 /k
Tw 309 /
309 Tg D 8. 73

Substituting for
k^0 /k from (iv):

8. 73 D 3. 624
323 Tg
Tw 309 /[
Tw 323
309 Tg ](vi)

IfTgD298 K, then in (v):

1. 741 D[ 
323  298
Tw 313 ]/[
Tw 323
313  298 ]

Tw 313 /
Tw 323 D 1 .045 andTwD533 K.

IfTgD298 K, then in (vi): 2. 409 D
323  298
Tw 309 /[
Tw 323
309  298 ]

Tw 309 /
Tw 323 D 1 .060 andTwD556 K

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