The Intelligent Investor - The Definitive Book On Value Investing

(MMUReader) #1

  1. The aggregate earnings have been quite stable in the past
    decade. None of the companies reported a deficit during the
    prosperous period 1961–69, but Chrysler showed a small
    deficit in 1970.

  2. The total growth—comparing three-year averages a decade
    apart—was 77%, or about 6% per year. But five of the firms did
    not grow by one-third.

  3. The ratio of year-end price to three-year average earnings was
    839 to $55.5 or 15 to 1—right at our suggested upper limit.

  4. The ratio of price to net asset value was 839 to 562—also just
    within our suggested limit of 1^1 ⁄ 2 to 1.

If, however, we wish to apply the same seven criteria to each
individual company, we would find that only five of them would
meetallour requirements. These would be: American Can, Ameri-
can Tel. & Tel., Anaconda, Swift, and Woolworth. The totals for
these five appear in Table 14-3. Naturally they make a much better
statistical showing than the DJIA as a whole, except in the past
growth rate.^3
Our application of specific criteria to this select group of indus-
trial stocks indicates that the number meeting every one of our
tests will be a relatively small percentage of alllisted industrial
issues. We hazard the guess that about 100 issues of this sort could
have been found in the Standard & Poor’s Stock Guideat the end of
1970, just about enough to provide the investor with a satisfactory
range of personal choice.*

The Public-Utility “Solution”
If we turn now to the field of public-utility stocks we find a
much more comfortable and inviting situation for the investor.†

354 The Intelligent Investor

* An easy-to-use online stock screener that can sort the stocks in the S & P
500 by most of Graham’s criteria is available at:
† When Graham wrote, only one major mutual fund specializing in utility
stocks—Franklin Utilities—was widely available. Today there are more than

  1. Graham could not have anticipated the financial havoc wrought by can-

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