Layer upon Layer: Simulation of Core Drilling
(Clay Activity)
Teacher Preparation Instructions:
-clay or Playdoh® in several colors
- large spices (not powdery- for example: parsley, course pepper, whole
-a thick tray or container for the layers
Using the Playdoh® or clay of several colors, make a series of different colored
layers. Within some of the layers, mix small spices such as course pepper, dried
parsley, and/or sesame seeds. These small items will simulate different textures
found in different layers of real-world sediments and fossils. Have some layers
not cover the entire container. You can fold or indent the clay layers as
needed to simulate faults or other conditions in the sediment layers.
Description of Activity (Student set of Instructions):
- Each group or student should have a plastic straw (with a large diameter)
and a single edge razor (or exact-o knife or small, sharp scissors). - Make a hypothesis about the different layers of clay. What will the layers look
like? What do you think you will find? You may draw your hypothesis on a journal
page. - Each student or one person from each group should take a core sample of
the clay layers with the straw. (Stick the straw straight down into the clay layers
and pull up. The clay layers should be captured by the tube, giving you a core
sample.) Using the razor or knife, carefully cut away the straw from the clay. You
will be left with a long, round core sample of the different layers. - Draw the layers that you see. What is different about the layers? Which one
was laid down first? Which one is newest? - The student or groups may compare samples from different parts of the clay
layers. Is the clay the same throughout? Have students share what they
see/found in their core samples.