Problems and Solutions on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

(Ann) #1

2 76 Problems €4 Solutions on Thermodynamics €4 Statistical Mechanic8

Fermi gas. Consider an ideal Fermi gas whose atoms have mass m =
5 x grams, nuclear spin I = i, and nuclear magnetic moment p =
1 x erg/gauss. At T = 0 K, what is the largest density for which the
gas can be completely polarized by an external magnetic field of lo5 gauss?
(Assume no electronic magnetic moment).



After the gas is completely polarized by an external magnetic field, the
Fermi energy is EF = -(6~~n)~/~, where n is the particle density.
With EF 5 2pH, we have
1 4mpH 3i2

Hence, nmax = = 2 x 10”atoms/cm~.

State and give a brief justification for the leading exponent n in the
temperature dependence of the following quantities in a highly degenerate
three-dimensional electron gas:
(a) the specific heat at constant volume;
(b) the spin contribution to the magnetic moment M in a fixed mag-
netic field H.
Let us first consider the integral I:

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