Problems and Solutions on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

(Ann) #1
Statistical Phyaics^287

The Fermi energy of the nucleons is

me 1
EF,~ = EFe- = -EFe.
m, 1840

(c) EFc/k = 4 X lo8 K> lo7 K.

EF,/k << lo' K.
Therefore, in a white dwarf, the electrons are strongly degenerate while the
nucleons are weakly degenerate.

(d) The Fermi energy of the electrons if contained in a pulsar is

At what particle density does a gas of free electrons (considered at
T = 0 K) have enough one-particle kinetic energy (Fermi energy) to permit
the reaction
proton + electron + 0.8 MeV -+ neutron

to proceed from left to right? Using the result above estimate the minimum
density of a neutron star.
(UC, Beskeley)

electron gas are related as follows:

When T = 0 K, the Fermi energy and the number density of the

The condition for the reaction to proceed is EF 2 0.8 MeV, then

nIlliIl = 3.24 x lo3' m-'.

Hence the minimum mass density of a neutron star is

pllliIl = m,rn,i, = 5.4 x lo9 kg/m3.

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