Problems and Solutions on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

(Ann) #1
Statistical Physic8 289

The energy of a non-interacting degenerate electron gas is:
PP Ep2
E=8nVL zdp

where E is the energy of a single electron, pp is the Fermi momentum,

pF = (3N/8~V)'/~h.

(a) For the extreme relativistic case, E = cp, so we have energy

E=- 2scv^4
h3 'F '

which gives the equation of state

  • _- 1E
    and pressure p = -

pV= -E

(b) For a real electron,

where p is its momentum, giving

EM 2scV[p; + (mcp~)~]/h~.

The condition for the result of part (a) to be approximately valid is PF >>
mc. or
N as mc 3
->+) v3

Either N -+ 00 or V -+ 0 will satisfy this condition.

Consider a box of volume V containing electron-positron pairs and
photons in equilibrium at a temperature T = l/kp. Assume that the
equilibrium is established by the reaction

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