Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1


Main Menu> General Postproc> Submodeling> Interpolate DOF


Main Menu> General Postproc> Submodeling> Interp Body Forc

The CBDOF command maps degree-of-freedom results from the coarse model to the cut boundaries
of the submodel.BFINT maps body force loads (mainly temperatures for a structural analysis) from the
coarse model to the submodel. Both commands require a file of nodes to which results are to be
mapped, and both commands write a file of appropriate load commands. Details about the submodeling
technique are presented in the Advanced Analysis Guide.

7.3.5. Creating or Modifying Results Data in the Database

You can postprocess without also generating a results file. Create a database containing nodes, elements,
and property data, and then put your own results into the database via the following commands:
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Define/Modify> Elem Results
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Define/Modify> ElemTabl Data
GUI: Main Menu> General Postproc> Define/Modify> Nodal Results

Once the data are defined, you can use almost any postprocessing function: graphics displays, tabular
listings, path operations, etc.


Issuing the DNSOL command requires that you have placed the data type (stress/strain) in
the element nodal records. To get around this requirement, use the DESOL command to
add a "dummy" element stress/strain record.

The program performs all load case combinations in the solution coordinate system, and the data res-
ulting from load case combinations are stored in the solution coordinate system. The resultant data are
then transformed to the active results coordinate system when listed or displayed. Therefore, unless
RSYS,SOLU is set (no transformation of results data), you may see some unexpected results such as
negative values after a square operation or negative values even when you request absolute values.

This feature is intended for reading in data from your own, special-purpose program. By writing output
data from that program in the form of the above commands, you can read them into POST1 and process
them the same way you would Mechanical APDL results. If you have a Mechanical APDL results file, it
is not affected by these commands.

7.3.6. Splitting Large Results Files

If you have a results file that is too large for you to postprocess on your local machine (such as from
running a large model on a server or cluster), you can split the results file into smaller files based on

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Additional POST1 Postprocessing
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