Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide

(Axel Boer) #1
Use the toolbar to control your time-history operations. You can collapse the two expansion bars
(2 and 4 below) and retain a compact toolbar that includes these items.

Opens the “Add Time-History Variable” dialog. See Defining Variables (p. 204),
later on in this chapter.

Add Data

Delete Data Clears selected variable from the Variable List
Graphs up to ten variables according to predefined properties. See Reviewing
the Variables (p. 213), later on in this chapter.

Graph Data

List Data Generates lists of data, including extremes, for six variables
Properties You can specify selected variable and global properties
Opens dialog for bringing information into the variable space. See Importing
Data (p. 210) later on in this chapter

Import Data

Opens dialog for exporting data to a file or an APDL array. See Exporting
Data (p. 212) later on in this chapter.

Export Data

Drop down list for selecting the data for graph overlay. See Importing
Data (p. 210), later in this chapter

Overlay Data

Clear Time- Clears all variables and returns settings to their default values (RESET).
History Data
Updates variable list.This function is useful if some variables are defined outside
of the variable viewer.

Refresh Data

Drop down list for choosing output form of complex variables (i.e. real, imaginary,
amplitude or phase).

Results to

  1. Hide/Show Variable List

Clicking anywhere on this bar collapses the variable list in order to temporarily reduce the size of
the viewer.

  1. Variable List

This area will display the defined time-history variables. You can pick from within this list to select
and process your variables.

  1. Hide/Show Calculator

Clicking anywhere on this bar collapses the calculator to reduce the size of the viewer.

  1. Variable Name Input Area

Enter the name (32 character max.) of the variable to be created.

  1. Expression Input Area

Enter the expression associated with the variable to be created.

  1. APDL Variable Drop Down List

Select a currently-defined APDL variable to use in the expression input.

  1. Time-History Variable Drop Down List

Release 15.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information

The Time-History Postprocessor (POST26)

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