Figure 11.4: The Multi Legend Contour Legend
The settings in the Window Options dialog box will in many cases take precedence over your
Multi Legend Options settings. See the command documentation for /UDOC and /PLOPTS
for a complete discussion of these dependencies.
11.4.2. Controlling Entity Fonts
You can change the appearance of the fonts that are used to produce the numbers and characters that
are shown on your displays. Through the ANSYS GUI, choose the DISPLAY Program or Utility Menu>
PlotCtrls> Font Controls, or issue either the /DEVICE,FONT,KEY or /DEVDISP,FONT,KEY command.
Each of these commands requires Val1 through Val6 as arguments. These arguments allow you to
indicate the family name of the font that you wish to use (e.g., Courier), the weight of the font (e.g.,
medium), font size, and other attributes which define font selection. (See the Command Reference for
more information about the requirements of the /DEVICE,FONT,KEY and /DEVDISP,FONT,KEY com-
11.4.3. Controlling the Location of the Global XYZ Triad
The /TRIAD command (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Window Controls> Window Options) enables you
to change the location of the global triad symbol on your display. ( The actual mathematical position
of the global origin will not change.)
11.4.4. Turning Tr iad Symbols On and Off
Use the /TRIAD command to turn the global triad on and off. Use the /PSYMB command (Utility Menu>
PlotCtrls> Symbols) to control the local, nodal, and element coordinate system triads. Use one of the
following to control the working plane triad:
GUI: Utility Menu> List> Status> Working Plane
Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Display Working Plane
Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Display Working Plane> Offset WP by Increments
Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Display Working Plane> Show WP Status
Utility Menu> WorkPlane> Display Working Plane> WP settings
11.4.5. Changing the Style of the Working Plane Grid
You can display the working plane grid as a triad only, grid only, or both triad and grid. Use WPSTYL
to change from one style to another. There are two methods of turning the working plane on for displays:
- Issuing WPSTYL with no arguments toggles the working plane grid, asterisk, and triad on and off
immediately, as an "overlay" image on the existing display.
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Controlling Miscellaneous Text and Symbols