Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

42 Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are?

I’ve discovered that my purpose is to create and to have a positive im-
pact on as many lives as possible through innovation, inventions, inspi-
ration and motivation. I’m known worldwide as The Working Inventor,
because like most people, I’ve had million dollar ideas. The problem is
that most of those millionaire ideas don’t go anywhere. What I actually
had instead of a million dollar idea was a seventy five million dollar
idea. So, it started becoming very easy for me to do what others find it
difficult to do. People will concede that most things are simple, just not
easy. You know you have a responsibility to dispense this valuable infor-
mation when the two issues of simplicity and ease of a task collide.
When that happened for me, I realized I had to bundle what I know
together, how to bring a product, service or business to the marketplace
with relative ease and simplicity and bring that to the masses, because
the truth is, it only takes one big idea.

What event or series of events led you to your discovery?

I stopped thinking and I started doing. And believe me, there’s a huge
difference between thinking and doing. I recognized that most people
we remember for something, not just their names, but for something.
They’re usually remembered for a discovery or credited for that discov-
ery. I consider a discovery as simply coming up with a plan of attack and
implementing it. I do this through simple concepts like: What do you do
with an idea? You’ve got to take the idea and build a core group of people
around the idea, then, you’ve got to develop and execute a plan. So,
that’s a discovery, and that’s what people are remembered for, and at
that point they have the responsibility to put that information out there
for the people who want it.

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

It’s all about being challenged. I call it the Snort Factor. It’s like a horse
or a bull that’s going to snort and challenge you or run at the red cape.
You’ve got to find that something that challenges you. At that point you’ve
got the Snort Factor. When you find something that challenges you, go
out and tackle it by whatever means possible. I promise anyone who
does that is going to bask in the enjoyment of it all, and then they’ll be

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