Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be An Entrepreneur? 51

lived the concepts enough to understand them. Eventually, I did get it,
and I still read that book to this day. I actually republished it with my
own forward.
If I were to name one key event, I would say that it happened on
Easter Sunday in 1995. That’s the day that my son’s mother took my son
and left me as I was trying to start my long distance phone company. I sat
there alone, in an empty room, saying to myself, “I have to make this
work.” I had been working four or five months to launch the company,
and my wife left me saying “You’ll never amount to anything, and you
are just playing at this business like it’s a game.” Her words stuck in my
head and will probably continue to stay in my head the rest of my life.
That was the single defining moment. I had my back against the
wall. There was no place else to go. I couldn’t go any lower. I had no
money. The cupboards were absolutely bare, and that’s not just a figure
of speech. It was absolutely true. There was no food in the whole house.
And there I was with this idea of starting a long-distance phone com-
pany with nothing more than a background in selling vacuum cleaners.
Within the next two weeks, we launched the company, and in our
first seven days we generated over $100,000, and I’ve never looked back.

If you could give advice to those who are still searching for their
purpose in life, what would it be?

You can find all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something, but what
you want to do is find all the reasons that you should. We just need one
good reason. For many people it may be their family. For many people it
might be in spite of someone else.
My advice to someone who’s getting started is to first believe in
yourself. That is key. Belief has a success cycle to it. First you have a
belief that causes you to take action, or in some cases, causes you not to
take action. Based upon that action, we get to a series of results, and
based upon the results we either build a bigger or smaller belief. Then
the success cycle starts all over again.
In order to grow your success cycle into an ever-growing one,
you need to start with something small. By starting with something small,
all of a sudden, it grows, and it gets bigger and bigger. Start by achieving
small levels of success and building it up from there. What people hear
when they go to a seminar, read in a book, or watch in a movie is the end
result of what has taken people many years to achieve. They don’t see
the very beginnings. So, they think that they can just start there, just

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