Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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Taking Your Seat

It helps to come to the cushion or to the chair with a
definite sense of taking your seat. Sitting meditation
is different from just sitting down casually
somewhere. There is energy in the statement the
sitting makes as you take your seat, both in the
choice of spot, and in mindfulness filling your body.
The posture embodies a stand, as in "taking a stand,"
even though you are sitting. There is a strong sense
of honoring place and placement of body and mind
and moment.
We take our seat to meditate keeping all this in mind,
yet without any investment in location or posture.
There may indeed be definite "power spots" indoors
and out, yet with this attitude of taking a stand, you
can sit anywhere in any posture and be at home.
When your mind and body collaborate in holding
body, time, place, and posture in awareness, and
remain unattached to having it have to be a certain
way, then and only then are you truly sitting.

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