Mindfulness Meditation (For Everyday Life)

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moment in its fullness without imposing anything
extra on it, perceiving its purity and the freshness of
its potential to give rise to the next moment. Then,
knowing what is what, seeing as clearly as possible,
and conscious of not knowing more than we actually
do, we act, make a move, take a stand, take a
Some people speak of this as flow, one moment
flowing seam-lessly, effortlessly into the next, cradled
in the streambed of mindfulness.

TRY: During the day, see if you can detect the bloom
of the present moment in every moment, the ordinary
ones, the "in-between" ones, even the hard ones.
Work at allowing more things to unfold in your life
without forcing them to happen and without rejecting
the ones that don't fit your idea of what "should" be
happening. See if you can sense the "spaces"
through which you might move with no effort in the
spirit of Chuang Tzu's cook. Notice how if you can
make some time early in the day for being, with no
agenda, it can change the quality of the rest of your
day. By affirming first what is primary in your own
being, see if you don't get a mindful jump on the
whole day and wind up more capable of sensing,

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