
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Moon

Mind practice, or mind preparation or training, as it is
sometimes called, is standard fare in the orient.

Mind Practice

We might wonder why this style of mind practice has
never caught on in North America. In part, this is due to
our whole take on meditation, and what we think it
means. Meditation, in the West, has come to mean
something almost like relaxation therapy—a way to
relax and get away from it all, to escape the worries of
the world while in contemplation of some inner
landscape. Somewhere, perhaps early in this century,
the word meditation lost any semblance to its Eastern
counterpart and became what most people think of as
meditation today—as a way to relax and get rid of

Of course, this is nothing like the Tibetan concept of
mind practice, or mind preparation, which involves the

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