About Michael Erlewine
that, "All of us deserve to have access to our own
popular culture. That is what AMG and
ClassicPosters.com are all about.” Today, AMG reviews
can be found everywhere across the Internet. Erlewine's
music collection is housed in an AMG warehouse, it
numbers nearly 500,000 CDs.
Heart Center Meditation Room
Michael Erlewine has been active in Buddhism since the
1950s. Here, in his own words:
“Back in the late 1950s and early 1960, Buddhism was
one of the many ideas we stayed up late talking about,
while we smoked cigarettes and drank lots of coffee,
along with ideas about existentialism, poetry and the
“It was not until I met the Tibetan Lama, Chogyam
Trungpa Rinpoche, in 1974, that I understood Buddhism
not just as a Philosophy but also as a path, as a way to
get through life. Having been raised Catholic—serving
as an altar boy, learning church Latin and all that—I had