How To Learn Astrology
Transits to the Natal Chart ............................. 603
The Quadrants or Sectors .............................. 605
The Saturn Cycle ..................................... 606
Saturn in Your Chart....................................... 608
Transits on the House Wheel 4 Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Interpreting Transits .......... Error! Bookmark not
Transits to the Natal Chart Error! Bookmark not
The Quadrants or Sectors. Error! Bookmark not
Saturn Transits .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Saturn in Your Chart.......... Error! Bookmark not
The 2nd Sector: New Beginning ..................... 609
The 3rd Sector: Rising .................................... 611
The 4th Sector: Consolidation ........................ 612
The 1st Sector: The Obscure Sector 8 ........... 614
Saturn Cycle Summary ........................... 616
Your Natal Saturn ........................................... 618
Saturn on the First House Cusp 5 .................. 619
The Early Riser .............................................. 620
Saturn on the Fourth House Cusp .................. 622
Teen Prominence ........................................... 623
Saturn on the Descendant 7 ........................... 624
The Late Bloomer ........................................... 625
Saturn on the Angles .............................. 627
Saturn on the Tenth House Cusp ................... 627
Saturn 10th House ......................................... 628
More Thoughts ............................................... 629
Saturn Sectors ............................................... 630
The 2nd Sector: New Beginning ..................... 631
The 3rd Sector: Rising .................................... 633
The 4th Sector: Consolidation ........................ 634
The 1st Sector: The Obscure Sector 8 ........... 636