The Zodiac Signs
Tarot Trump XVII, The Star
Tarot Design Figure of a water nymph
disporting herself.
Tarot Trump Title Daughter of the Firmament,
Dweller Between the Waters
Path on the Tree of Life 28, joins 7- 9
Path Title Natural Intelligence
Hindu Deities None
40 Buddhist Meditations Purple Corpse
4 Divisions Pranava Vada Relation
Greek Deities Athena, Ganymede
Egyptian Deities Nuit
Roman Deities Juno
Qliphotic Name Bahimiron (bestial)
Sephirotic Number 406
Hebrew Letter Tzaddi (fish hook)
12 Tribes of Israel Zabulon
12 Prophets Habakkuk
Jewish Calendar Adar, leap year Niadar
Order of Blessed Spirits Martyrs
Angel Babriel
Elemental Ruler Cherub
Four Angels Raphael
Hierarchy Angels
Realm Etheric region
Magical Powers Astrology