The Quadrants or Sectors
In studying transits, we watch the transiting planets
move around the circle of the twelve houses of the natal
chart wheel, house by house. Most astrologers’ think
that the most important house cusps for transits are
what are called the Angular Houses: the first, fourth,
seventh and tenth ones. Also called ‘the Angles’, these
are the main crossing points to be aware of as we
observe transits.
In my opinion, the most important book written on
transits, to date, is Astrology for the Millions, written by
the astrologer Grant Lewi. It is a must-read for every
astrologer, and lays down what I think of as the
definitive description on how to use transits. Lewi
divides the houses of the natal chart into four quadrants,
which he then calls "sectors." These are shown in the
above diagram