
(Darren Dugan) #1


importance and even be forgotten. Something new, will,
very slowly, be getting your attention.

This 4th sector is one during which we may be
consolidating and living on what we did in the past or
earned up to this point. This entire 4th sector is one of
gradually turning away from the outer and the physical
and toward a more inward time—monitoring a new
impulse. Our interest in fame and fortune wanes and we
discover another tune—begin to march to a different
drummer. Something inside of us is calling and, very
gradually, we are able to listen and act on what we are
sensing within ourselves. This marks for a new

During the 4th sector, we turn away from all that we
have accomplished up to that point and take on a more
inward course—inward in the sense that we have new
ideas inspiring us and we must work these ideas into
the fabric of our life before they can begin to show on
the outside and turn into something solid.

So, in this sector, we make the most of what we have
built up—up to this point—and gradually allow the past
to do just that—pass. Meanwhile, our mind is ever and
increasingly taken up by an inner voice—something

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