
(Darren Dugan) #1


prominence, success and the harvesting of many prior
years of investment. This middle section of life will be
very successful.

Saturn on the Descendant 7

When Saturn, at birth, is around the descendant (7th
house cusp—either in the late 6th house or early 7th
house) we have what is called a "Late Bloomer,” and we
can explain why they are called this. At birth, Saturn is
not only already on the rise, but is crossing over (or
about to cross over) the 7th house and moving into the
most outward or successful (harvest time) part of the
chart. For a toddler, this means a very happy early
childhood, for sure, but other than that, there is not a lot
a kid can do with early success. Note, however, that a
happy early childhood is a treasure in itself, and makes
for a great start on life.

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